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Antifa Militants Terrorize Customers at Seattle Starbucks, Spray Paint Anti-Israel Messages

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Leftist Harassment Strikes Again

Customers looking for a peaceful cup of coffee were met with chaos and intimidation at a Starbucks in Seattle's Capitol Hill area. A group of Antifa militants vandalized the building and spray-painted profanities and violent political statements promoting Hamas terrorism. The incident was caught on video by radio host Jason Rantz, who shared it on social media.

Video Shows Antifa Thug Targeting Customers

In the disturbing video, a masked Antifa thug can be seen giving the middle finger to customers through the window of the Starbucks. The aggressive behavior and lack of regard for others' safety is shocking.

Messages of Anti-Israel Sentiment

One of the Antifa militants spray-painted messages on the window, including "free Gaza" and "free Palestine." The act was clearly intended to promote a political agenda and cause unrest.

Seattle Police Fail to Take Action

Despite the clear criminal behavior, Seattle police did not intervene or make any arrests. This lack of action raises concerns about the city's ability to maintain law and order.

Antifa's Troubling History in Seattle

Antifa Marxists have been a problem in the Seattle area for years. In 2020, the Capitol Hill area of Seattle was taken over by Antifa and named CHAZ/CHOP. The autonomous zone became a hotbed of anarchy and violence fueled by both Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement. It took months to regain control of the area, but not before a teenager was tragically killed in a shooting.

Previous Violence and Chaos

The Gateway Pundit reported extensively on the chaos in Seattle during the nationwide riots in 2020. Multiple shootings occurred in the CHAZ/CHOP zone, and Antifa militants were known to use explosives and mortars against police officers during the George Floyd protests.

If you have any information about this incident or want to contact the reporter, you can email David Greyson here.

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