
Trump Blasts American Leaders for Failing to Bring Home American Hostages Held by Hamas

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Americans Left Behind

The terrorist group Hamas recently released two groups of hostages, but unfortunately, no American citizens were among them. Former President Donald Trump wasted no time in criticizing President Joe Biden and what he called 'weak' American leadership for their failure to bring these Americans home.

Liberal Media's Silence

Surprisingly, the liberal media seems to be giving Biden a pass on this issue. While Trump would have faced relentless scrutiny in a similar situation, Biden's handling of the hostage crisis is not receiving the same level of attention.

Hostage Releases

Hamas released 17 hostages on Saturday and 24 on Friday, but none of them were American citizens. Currently, there are 10 American citizens, including 4-year-old Avigail Idan, being held by Hamas. The release of hostages coincided with a four-day cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

Expectations for More Releases

According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office, 50 more hostages held by Hamas are expected to be released within the four-day window. In exchange, Israel will release 150 Palestinians imprisoned by the country.

Trump's Criticism

In a tweet on his new social media platform, Truth Social, Trump expressed his frustration: "Has anybody noticed that Hamas has returned people from other countries but, so far, has not returned one American Hostage? There is only one reason for that, NO RESPECT FOR OUR COUNTRY OR OUR LEADERSHIP. This is a very sad and dark period of America!"

Double Standards in the Media

Trump highlighted the double standards in media coverage, pointing out that if a similar situation had occurred during his presidency, it would have been the leading story on 24/7 cable news. He also criticized the media for not holding Biden accountable for the disastrous Afghan War withdrawal and the loss of American lives.

Replacing the News

Trump urged his followers not to trust the American media to report political news fairly or accurately. He emphasized the need to replace the news and do their own journalism, as the media's focus is more on political gain than on the well-being of the American people.

It remains to be seen how the Biden administration will respond to Trump's criticism and whether there will be any progress in securing the release of the American hostages held by Hamas.


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