
Former Obama Official Stuart Seldowitz Arrested for Hate Crime Stalking

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Videos of Hateful Tirades Against Food Vendor Go Viral

Former President Barack Obama's National Security Council chief, Stuart Seldowitz, was arraigned on Thursday for two counts of stalking as a hate crime and one count of aggravated harassment. Videos of Seldowitz's abusive behavior towards a food vendor, Mohamed Hussein, went massively viral on social media.

Abuse Reportedly Ongoing for Weeks

The harassment of the halal cart vendor at 83rd and 2nd Ave in NYC had reportedly been going on for two weeks before Seldowitz's arrest. Multiple calls were made to the NYPD, but the local precinct claimed there was nothing they could do because it was considered "free speech."

Attorney Claims Seldowitz is "Peace-Loving"

Assistant District Attorney Jordan Gwynn described Seldowitz's behavior as "unprovoked and unwarranted" during the arraignment. However, Seldowitz's attorney, Scott Bookstein, argued that his client is "not a warmonger and an Islamophobe" despite the shocking content of his rants. Bookstein claimed that the allegations are "100% antithetical" to who Seldowitz is.

Full Protection Order Obtained

The Manhattan District Attorney's Office obtained a full protection order to keep Seldowitz away from Hussein. This order ensures that Seldowitz cannot contact or approach the victim.

Lobbying Firm Cuts Ties with Seldowitz

Gotham Government Relations, the lobbying firm where Seldowitz was employed, has cut all ties with him. In a statement, the company condemned his actions as "vile, racist, and beneath the dignity of the standards we practice at our firm."


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