
New Zealand Shifts Right: Conservative National Party Forms Coalition Government

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

New Leadership and Policies

In a significant development for the global right-wing movement, New Zealand's National Party has formed a three-party coalition government. After lengthy negotiations, the centre-right Nationals, led by incoming Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, will partner with the populist New Zealand First party and libertarian ACT New Zealand. This marks a shift in power after six years of left-leaning, globalist rule by the Labour Party.

Changes in Policy

The coalition agreement outlines several policy changes, including a roll-back of the use of the Maori language, a review of affirmative action policies, and an assessment of the interpretation of the country's founding treaty document in legislation. However, a proposed referendum on the interpretation of the Treaty of Waitangi will not take place. The new government also plans to amend the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 2021 to focus solely on price stability and repeal the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration.

Focus on Tax Relief

One of the main campaign promises of the new government is to cut personal income taxes, aiming to ease the financial burden on middle-income voters. Prime Minister Luxon stated that tax relief is part of a larger plan to rebuild the economy and reduce the cost of living. The government also aims to reduce wasteful spending and promote economic growth to benefit all New Zealanders.

Guns and Law Enforcement

The coalition parties plan to rewrite the Arms Act and review the gun registry that was introduced after the 2019 shooting that killed 51 Muslim worshippers. They also intend to train 500 new police officers to strengthen law enforcement in the country.

A Historic Coalition

This new coalition government marks the first time in New Zealand's history that three parties will form a coalition. The role of deputy prime minister will be split between the leaders of the NZ First party and the ACT party, with Winston Peters serving first and David Seymour taking over later. Nicola Willis of the National Party will be the finance minister, and Peters will serve as the foreign minister.

Overall, the formation of this conservative coalition government signifies a shift to the right in New Zealand's political landscape. The new leadership and policies aim to bring about change and improve the country's economic prospects. Only time will tell how these changes will shape the future of New Zealand.


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