
Majority of Canadians Want Trudeau’s Carbon Tax Scrapped or Waived for Three Years

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Unpopular Policies

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, known for his climate alarmist policies, is facing criticism as a majority of Canadians are calling for the scrapping or waiving of the controversial 'carbon tax'. This comes as a blow to Trudeau's government, as the tax was meant to be a signature aspect of his premiership.

Growing Opposition

A recent opinion poll conducted by the Angus Reid Institute reveals that 42% of Canadians want the carbon tax to be completely scrapped, while an additional 17% would like it to be temporarily cut for the next three years. Only 15% of respondents believe the tax should continue as planned. The poll also shows a significant drop in support for carbon pricing compared to previous years, with 11% less support in 2021. The rising cost of living crisis is believed to be a contributing factor to this shift in public opinion.

Opposition Leader's Stance

Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre, of the Conservative Party, has long been an advocate for axing the carbon tax, arguing that it unfairly burdens consumers. Recent polls indicate that if an election were held today, Poilievre would have the upper hand against Trudeau. However, the next election is not scheduled until 2025.

Difficulties in Reaching Emission Reduction Targets

The declining public support for the carbon tax presents a significant challenge for Canada's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While there is still support for reaching the country's 2030 emission reduction targets, Canadians are increasingly concerned about the impact on their family economies. The shift in public opinion is also evident in British Columbia, where opponents of carbon pricing outnumber supporters two-to-one.

The Urgency of the Issue

It is worth noting that these findings are based on polling conducted by mainstream media outlets, which are known for their commitment to climate alarmism. The fact that even these outlets are reporting a decline in support for the carbon tax highlights the urgency of the issue.

Read more: Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’


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