
Georgia Secretary of State’s Office Continues Efforts to Exonerate Themselves Amidst Election Audit Errors

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Errors Found in Fulton County Data

After the 2020 Election, a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was conducted by Georgia's Secretary of State's (SOS) Office, which revealed numerous errors. Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi tirelessly pursued those in authority to review his data, eventually getting the errors in front of Governor Kemp's office. As a result, the Georgia State Elections Board (SEB) initiated an investigation into the Fulton County data from the RLA report, uncovering violations and errors in the recounts of the 2020 Election.

Additional Complaints Filed

In addition to the investigation into the Fulton County data, another complaint was filed specifically calling out duplicate ballot counts and votes counted without corresponding ballot images. This complaint resulted in a separate investigation, which is complete and the results will be presented to the SEB on December 19, 2023. The Board has categorized this complaint as "violations found." There is also an ongoing inquiry into Election Code Violations committed by the SOS.

Efforts to Exonerate the SOS

Emails and meetings reveal an ongoing effort by the SOS's office, the Attorney General's office, and the SEB to exonerate the SOS from any responsibility for the errors and violations. Gabriel Sterling of the SOS's office attempted to shift responsibility to Fulton County, while Assistant Georgia Attorney General Charlene McGowan and SOS Investigator Vincent Zagorin also made attempts to absolve the SOS of responsibility.

SEB Chair Part of the Cover-up

During a hearing, SEB Chair Matthew Mashburn shut down complainant Joseph Rossi whenever data against the SOS was brought up, stating that Fulton County was the respondent, not the SOS. This raises questions about Mashburn's involvement in covering up the errors.

Consent Order Issued Without Full Board Review

In a surprising turn of events, a Consent Order issued by the AG's office to Fulton County regarding rule violations was brought to the SEB for a vote without providing all Board members with a copy of the order beforehand. As a result, the motion was ratified by three Board members, while only one member voted against it.

SOS Prevents Investigation

Emails between SEB Chair Judge William Duffey and complainant Joseph Rossi reveal that the SOS's office prevented any investigation into the department's handling of the RLA report. Despite the complaint being filed more than a year prior, the SOS's office refused to open a case on the matter.

SEB Evaluating Options

In August 2023, Judge Duffey informed Rossi that they were evaluating their options on how to proceed with the complaint against the SOS for election code violations.

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Tracking Number Assigned to Complaint

Just one month ago, the SEB assigned a tracking number to the complaint filed against the SOS for election code violations, indicating that the investigation is still ongoing.


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