
Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Holds Hearing on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) recently hosted a hearing to shed light on what she believes is the truth behind the COVID-19 vaccines. Joined by several other Republican representatives, Greene sought expert testimony on the potential injuries caused by the vaccines.

The Hearing

The hearing, held in the Rayburn House Office Building, featured presentations from Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and Thomas Renz. These experts shared their insights on the alleged injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Claims by The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit, a conservative news outlet, has extensively reported on injuries and sudden deaths that they believe were caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. The outlet claims that there are numerous stories of these tragedies, which can be found by searching "dies suddenly" on their website.

Vaccine Injury Compensation Programs

In the United States, there are two programs in place to compensate individuals who have been injured by vaccines or covered countermeasures. These programs are the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Compensation Numbers

The CICP's data from Fiscal Years 2010 through 2023 shows that out of 12,898 claims filed, 12,358 are related to COVID-19 injuries. However, only 38 of these claims have received compensation to date. The breakdown of compensated individuals includes cases of anaphylaxis, myocarditis, and a combination of myocarditis and pericarditis.

Controversial Claims About Vaccine Contamination

In a recent newsletter, Steve Kirsch made controversial claims about the COVID-19 vaccines, stating that they contain therapeutic levels of plasmid DNA and are contaminated with SV40 and other substances. Kirsch alleges that the FDA and CDC are remaining silent on these findings.

Seeking Legal Action

Individuals who believe they have been injured by a Pfizer mRNA vaccine have the option to sue each ingredient maker independently under adulterated product law. A link to lawyers specializing in such cases is provided.

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Contact Information

For more information or to contact Jim Hᴏft, the author of this article, you can email him directly or read more of his articles on the provided link.


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