
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Popularity Rises After Tax Cuts Announcement

courtesy of thegatewaypundit.com

Tax Cuts Boost Support for Conservatives

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is seeing a surge in support for his Conservative Party after announcing tax cuts and financial support measures. The party's popularity has risen by four percentage points in just a few days, according to a recent YouGov poll.

Trailing the Opposition

Despite the increase in support, the Conservatives still trail behind the opposition Labour Party by 19 percentage points. Only 18 percent of people believe that the budget measures will improve their financial situation.

Popular Measures

The poll revealed that the minimum wage increase, welfare and pension adjustments, and a reduction in National Insurance tax were all popular with the majority of voters. In fact, 61% of respondents backed the tax cut.

More Tax Cuts in the Future

Prime Minister Sunak has expressed his intention to continue cutting taxes in the future. He stated that his government will "do more when we can" to reward hard work, grow the economy, and be fiscally responsible.

According to PA Media, Sunak said, "We have now done that and it didn’t happen by accident. The Chancellor and I took a set of decisions that weren’t easy, that we got a lot of flak for, that the Labour party opposed, in order to halve inflation and defy the skeptics. Everyone said we were going to have a recession this year in the UK (but) we have actually grown the economy. Because of that, our economic policy can shift gears."

This tax-cutting autumn statement is just the beginning of a journey towards more tax cuts, Sunak added. He wants to cut taxes, reward hard work, and continue growing the economy in a responsible manner.

Read more: British PM Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt Poised to Cut Inheritance Tax Next Week, in a Bid to Regain Conservative Vote


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